Since incorporating in February 2017, the Canadian Women for Wellness Initiative (CWWI) has begun three projects to bring the TM program to women in high-stress professions and women about to enter the workforce.
Victoria, BC
In 2017 CWWI partnered with the Central Saanich Police Service [CSPS] to offer Transcendental Meditation to their 10 female officers and staff. All participants completed a pre- and post-test, the results of which indicated statistically significant results. Test scores showed an overall reduction in psychological distress for the participants of 39%. Based on the success of the project, Phase 2 of TM training with the CSPS will be starting in June 2018 with the remaining 20 officers who wish to take the course.
The Police Project Manager, Helen Foster-Grimmett, was invited to present her results at the BC Association of Police Boards Conference at the Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria on April 6th. The conference was attended by about 100 Police Board members from 11 BC mainland and Vancouver Island municipalities. Click here to learn more about the project.
Vancouver, BC
In 2017 CWWI began working with Vancouver firefighters to offer the TM program to females in the profession. To date, 10 women have learned TM. The project is ongoing with more firefighters and police officers to learn in 2018.
Click here for more information on the project.
On May 10, 2018, the Canadian Women for Wellness Initiative was invited to host a table at a Mental Health Fair at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Headquarters for British Columbia.
The event was organized to increase awareness of mental health services available for RCMP. The 31 exhibitors included several organizations funded by the BC Ministry of Health, the BC First Responders Mental Health and clinics offering treatment for addiction, depression and PTSD. Over 600 employees attended the fair.
Deboragh Varnel, CWWI National Board Member hosted the table. The idea that a simple technique like TM can have an impact on mental health was well received and many participants requested more information.
As a result of the success of our presence at the fair, the RCMP has invited Deboragh to participate in their ‘Lunch and Learn’ program so more officers can hear about the benefits of TM.
Moncton, NB
In October 2017, the University of New Brunswick (UNB) School of Nursing in Moncton started an 11-month research project measuring the effect of the TM program on both students and faculty. This qualitative phenomenological study is looking at the effect TM has on the quality of life of the participants. The project involves twenty-three students and four faculty and is being overseen by four UNB faculty researchers. Results will be posted on this site when the study has been completed.