What is the Transcendental Meditation Technique?
The Transcendental Meditation technique is a simple, natural and effective procedure for allowing the mind and body to gain a profound state of relaxation. Anyone can easily learn the practice, including children. It is not a religion or a philosophy. It does not require a change in one’s beliefs. It does not prescribe a code of behaviour. It is practised for 15 to 20 minutes, twice daily, while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.
TM allows the mind to experience a state of restful alertness—a state where the mind is very settled while remaining awake and alert. The process of allowing the mind to settle down is known as transcending and is achieved quite easily once the TM training has been completed. While the mind is experiencing this state of “restful alertness” or transcendence, the body similarly experiences a very deep state of rest as measured by heart rate, breath rate and the reduction of stress hormones in the body.
Proper personalized training from a qualified teacher is essential in the success of this technique. It is critical that each student learns TM with a qualified teacher so that a proper understanding of TM can be given based on his or her own practice of the technique. It cannot be learned from a book, a tape or an app.
Benefits of TM
TM has been shown to be very effective for stress related disorders such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and high blood pressure. TM does not target specific symptoms, rather it elicits a general relaxation response, allowing the body to heal itself. The benefits derived from regular practice can vary among individuals, depending on how their particular physiology responds to stress.
In order to practice the TM technique, an individual does not have to forgo any other treatment modality recommended by a health professional, or any other technique for health or self-development that he or she practises. TM can be used in conjunction with traditional types of health treatments.
The TM Course Structure
When you unroll in the TM program, you will receive a 12-lesson course offered over six and half months. The lessons include:
Lesson 1: Information session by a certified TM teacher (1 hour) At the info session, you will learn:
- • Why TM is so effective for reducing mental and physical stress
- • What happens during TM that allows for healing
- • A short review of the research that shows the benefits of TM
- • Why TM is easy to practice and why anyone can do it
- • Why TM works from the start
- • How TM is different from other meditations
After the info session, you will have a personal interview with a certified TM teacher. This is a chance for you to bring up any questions or concerns so you can evaluate if TM is the suitable modality for you.
If you decide to enrol in the course, lessons 2-5 are where you learn the TM technique:
Lesson 2: Personal instruction (1-1.5 hours) The first lesson is one-on-one instruction in the TM technique with a certified TM teacher
Lessons 3-5: For three days in a row, you will have individual or small group sessions (1-1.5 hours a day). These meetings will offer additional guidance and instruction on the TM technique based on your experience.
Lesson 6: This follow-up meeting, scheduled 10-14 days after you’ve completed lesson 5, is a crucial part of your journey. Its purpose is to review your practice and offer further instructions, if necessary, to ensure you’re maximizing the benefits of your daily meditation. This ongoing support is a testament to our commitment to your success in practising TM.
Lessons 7-12—For six months, you will meet with your teachers once a month to review the success of your practice. This is a chance to ask questions and better understand your medication practice.
Once you have completed all 12 lessons, you have a technique for life that you can practice on your own. But we are always here for you, and if you have any questions, you can book a TM checking session or refresher course at any time.